Spring Language Courses -Early Bird Prices

Begin your journey to mastering German this spring. Our classes are available both online and in-person, running from April through June. Enroll by March 9 to take advantage of our early-bird discount and save $20 on your registration. To see the full list of classes, click here.

Unsure if you want to commit to the spring course? Come to the Germanic-American Institute for a fun beginner German class! Discover the GAI, how our courses work, and learn useful German phrases. By the end, you’ll be able to introduce yourself and order “ein Bier, bitte!” LEARN MORE. 

Learning Levels

START 1-2-3 Beginner (A1)

For students who have had no German to up to one year of German language instruction
More info for beginners
Curriculum: START 1-2-3

Advanced Beginner (A2)

For students who have completed A1 or at least three semesters of German language instruction
Curricula: A2.1 / A2.2 / A2.3

Intermediate (B)

For students who have completed A2 or at least 3-4 years of German language instruction
Curricula: B1.1 / B1.2 / B1.3 / B1+

Advanced (C)

For students enrolled in C-level classes at the GAI or with advanced language skills.

For tutoring and private classes, please contact language@gaimn.org or call 651-222-7027 ext 101 with a brief description of your language goals, desired location, and general times and days of the week when you are available to meet with a tutor.