Join us for a fun-filled storytime auf deutsch. Children and their families will immerse themselves in stories, songs and activities that foster language skills. Please note: the storytime will be conducted in German and is geared towards children who have German as a home language, have been exposed to German through classes or immersion programs, […]
This German language club meets on the third Wednesday of the month at the GAI. Founded in 1979, the Sprachklub offers community members an opportunity to speak German in an informal, congenial setting, regardless of level of proficiency. A variety of topics are presented, and fluency ranges from a working knowledge of German to native […]
Back by popular demand, the GAI will celebrate Karneval 2025 by hosting a Europop Disco in the Rathskeller, featuring a DJ spinning authentic German Karneval music. Commemorate the moment with an onsite photo booth and consult a fortune teller to see what 2025 has in store for you! Dazzle the crowd with your game skills […]
Sie interessieren sich für Deutschland, seine Landschaften und Geschichte und möchten mehr darüber erfahren? Wir laden Lernende auf mittlerem und fortgeschrittenem Sprachniveau zu einem Immersionswochende "Das Grüne Band" am GAI ein. Programmbeschreibung: Das Grüne Band läuft von der Ostsee bis nach Bayern die ehemalige innerdeutsche Grenze zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland entlang. Als knapp 1400 km langer Querschnitt […]
Attention German Immersion Language Education Professionals! Date: May 30 (9-5pm) & May 31st (9-12pm) We are pleased to send out the "Call for Proposals" for our very first pre-K to secondary "German Immersion Language Education Conference" (GIEC) organized by and to be held at the Germanic-American Institute in St Paul, MN, in cooperation with the Zentralstelle für […]