Game Night

Join us for a monthly Game Night (Spieleabend) in the GAI Ratskeller! Not only is this a great way to hang out in the GAI Ratskeller, it can also be a fantastic way to practice your German language skills while you play. Let us know at registration if you’d like to play at a German-language table. Our staff is also happy to introduce you to new games.
This month, play the world-famous German board game Ticket to Ride (Zug um Zug). Beginning at 6:30 p.m., we’ll explain the rules and how to play the game. Once we’re finished, take what you learned and put it into action! Already love Ticket to Ride, we’ve also got copies of Ticket to Ride: Germany if you want to learn a new version.
Adult tickets include 2 beverages, and Youth and Children tickets include 1 beverage. Light bar snacks are included. Children 11 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Children 12 and older may be dropped off.
No German-language skills are required. All are welcome! Note: the event will be down in the GAI Ratskeller; not ADA accessible.
Adults: $12 / Children (under 12) and Youth (12-17): $6
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
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