Good to Know – Challenges for German nationals in the U.S.

Join Barbara Muller, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, for an informative virtual presentation designed to address key topics relevant to German nationals living in the United States. Stay informed about important legal updates and gain insights into matters such as birth certificates, naming laws that differ between Germany and the US, marriage and divorce certificates, dual citizenship, and inheritance law.
In 2025, special attention will be given to changes in German naming laws and the Declaration of German citizenship for individuals born before January 1, 1975, to a German mother and a non-German father.
The event includes a Q & A component—please come with any questions. This event will be hosted on Zoom, in English.
Free, registration is required
Declaration of German citizenship
Generally speaking, individuals born in wedlock to a German mother and a non-German father before 1/1/1975 did NOT acquire German citizenship by birth. Since August of 2021, these children and their descendants can complete paperwork to declare their German citizenship. It takes approximately 2 years for the certificates that prove German citizenship of these applicants to be issued; the applications and all copy certifications in connection therewith are free of charge. It is NOT necessary to enlist the assistance of an attorney for this process.
Please feel free to contact the Honorary Consul in Minneapolis, Barbara Muller, with further questions. Her email address is, and her phone number is 612.202 7643. Barbara can provide the application forms, assist with the completion of these forms, and certify copies of the documents that need to be attached.
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
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