Jeana, Claudia, and Michael discuss the current state of education in the USA, contrasting it with the apprenticeship model in German, Austria, and Switzerland.
The GAI Symposion, will take place on:
Friday, April 12, 2019 | 6–9 PM | Free and open to the public
Learn about the German Dual Education system, an alternative to the failing “college for all” model. These “earn and learn” apprenticeships benefit students and employers.
This symposium is for business and industry, government, educational institutions, and anyone interested in career development for young people that aligns with workforce needs.
Speakers include representatives from the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry PIPELINE and Apprenticeship Minnesota programs, White Bear Area Chamber of Commerce and White Bear Lake Area School District, and the Industry Consortium for Advanced Technical Training (ICATT), Chicago.
6:00 PM Social hour with beer, organization and presenter info tables
6:30 PM Presentations begin in the ballroom
Welcome and Intro
Jeana Anderson, Germanic-American Institute
The Dual Education Model
Claudia Aurand, Germanic-American Institute
Local Example: City of White Bear Lake
Dr. Michael Lovett, White Bear Lake Area Schools
Shari Wilson, White Bear Area Chamber of Commerce
Jenny Moore, White Bear Lake Career Pathways Program
7:30 PM Break
7:45 PM Presentations continue in the ballroom
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Programs
Annie Welch, Minnesota PIPELINE Program
Leslie Philmon, Apprenticeship Minnesota
Industry Consortium for Advanced Technical Training (ICATT)
Joshua Seeberg, German American Chamber of Commerce (GACC Midwest)
Apprenticeship Success Story
8:45 PM Conclusion and Q & A
Free and open to the public. No registration required.