S2Ex1 – Special Episode: The Frankfurt Kitchen with Director & Filmmaker Maribeth Romslo

Germanic-American Institute
Germanic-American Institute
S2Ex1 – Special Episode: The Frankfurt Kitchen with Director & Filmmaker Maribeth Romslo

In this Special Episode, the GAI welcomes Maribeth Romslo, a Minneapolis based Filmmaker and Director.

Maribeth filmed within an iconic German domestic structure – the Frankfurt Kitchen – which are still built and used in German apartments where ultra-efficiency collaborates with time-savings and freedom.

For more details about Maribeth’s project, follow these links:
Overall project website: www.kitchendanceproject.com
Recipe stories submission link: https://www.kitchendanceproject.com/recipe-stories

And here’s the radio story that Maribeth recently produced for the Transom Traveling Workshop at Seattle Public Radio (6 minutes):